Thursday, October 28, 2010

what line are you in

I wanted to start my first article about what line are you in. we all stand in lines! Just the other day my wife and I were standing in a line to get our picture taken. We were happy to be in the line. We had nothing to be worried about, because if you ever saw my wife you would know she is very beautiful. Who are you following? Are   you following the crowd or are you following Jesus? What line are you going to be in when you die? Are you going to be in the line leading to Heaven or hell? We all have to judge that according to God’s word. My Question for you today is, when we are standing in that line to give account of why Jesus should let you into heaven are your feelings going to be happy or scared? Well the ones who have called on the name of Jesus will not be scared. My friends and readers I do no not want you to be scared on that day. I want you to be overjoyed, excited! Do not let this article go by you with out thinking about which line you are going to be in when all is said and done. There is no coming back once we take our last breath here on earth! So if you’re not sure which line you are going to be in, here is your chance to ask Jesus into your life! Here is a prayer for you: Jesus I’m a sinner in need of a savior. I believe you have died for my sins and you rose on the third day, and now you are in Heaven. I ask you to be my savior all the days of my life. Thank you Jesus. That is all you have to do.

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